B-Day Post and CJ score

Well, I haven't posted for a while, have I? Unfortunately life has kept me busy. I wouldn't be posting now save for the fact that I pulled a muscle balling yarn last night and It hurts to do much of anything. Pathetic, isn't it? And on my birthday.

Well, on the other things. I received my score for the RomanticJunkies.com contest (contestjunkies.com). I didn't finale, but I wasn't expecting to. My score was 7.5/10. Not bad. It was much better than I expected, thought I only received 3 'reviews'. Thank you everyone who checked it out and voted honestly. I really do appreciate it.

I'm not sure exactly what I'm going to do today. The family went bowling and miniture golfing this weekend so we got all our excitement out of our systems. It was fun, though.

Well, I better got back to writing. Only one and a half months left untill NaNoWriMo!

Happy Writing,


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