Happy New Years!

Mood: Hopped up on caffeine
Listening to: Wolfmother

Well, it's that time again. 2006 has slithered into history leaving behind it a broken trail of resolutions while 2007 has taken root and refuses to budge. Ok, well, fine then! New resolutions on the way! I was failing last years as it was.

This year, I've added some reasonable resolutions. A little hard work, some juggling, and I'm all set. I've also thrown in those un-reasonable resolutions, but hey, I have to have something in there to make me smile, right.

My New Years Resolutions for 2007

- Complete 1 manuscript (75,000 words or larger)
- Complete and Submit 3 professional short stories
- Update web site more often
- Update blog more often
- Take more photographs
- Find my own place
- Get 'The Gilded Pen' off the ground
- Read (completely, the whole way through, and enjoy) 50 novels
- Knit a bedspread (or afghan the size of a full size bed)
- Knit a pair of socks or slippers
- Knit something with beads
- Send out more birthday gifts/cards
- Plant a garden
- Grow my own Tea
- Exercise 30 mins/day, 5days/week
- Lose 96 lbs
- Set more personal deadlines
- Go to bed by 11pm, and wake up by 8am
- Get out more
- Make more money
- Be more tidy
- Pay off some bills
- Don't acumulate any more bills that will need to be payed off
- Work with my horse so I can ride her
- Go through boxes (yah, all those hiding in my closet and under the bed)

So what about you? What are your resolutions for the new year? Did you make any of last year's?

Happy Writing!
Amber Jennell

Oh, and before I forget. TheGildedPen.com is almost up! February 1st is the grand opening with prizes, give-a-ways, and more!! AS a special promotion, the first month's advertising will be free. As there are only 25 spots, I'd get in on this now before all are taken. This is for ads 100x160. There will be only 10 spots open for regular banners (468x60). E-mail thegildedpen@gmail.com.

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